Aparthotel Rosamar Ibiza - Cala Vadella, Ibiza

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  Aparthotel Rosamar Ibiza - Cala Vadella, Ibiza     
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Aparthotel Rosamar Ibiza - Cala Vadella, Ibiza

Offerte di hotel

Hotel > Ibiza  >  Cala Vadella
Aparthotel Rosamar Ibiza
Aparthotel Rosamar Ibiza (3*)
CHuelva n 14-18
Cala Vadella - Ibiza

Breve descrizione

An Idyllic ALL INCLUSIVE Aparhotel in which you will enjoy an unforgetable holiday. In the important tourist area of “Bahia de Portmany”,we present this modern, very complete Apart-hotel which boasts all the services you will need to feel comfortable and relaxed. Its fully equipped and spacious “Studios and bedrooms combined with excellent installations make it a special place in surroundings that mix both tranquility and amusement. THE HOTEL OFFERS ALL INCLUSIVE SERVICE AND FREE BUS TO CALA BASSA BEACH Services included •Full board including drinks SERVED during lunch and dinner services (water, beer, soft drinks and house wine). •From 11:00 am to 23:00, a selectionof national alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks listed on our menu as “All-Inclusive”. •Selected snacks ( sandwiches, pizza slices, Hot dogs),during day time from 11:00 am to 18:00 pm when the main restaurant is closed -The swimming pool sun beds and towels are free, subject to availability (Deposit essential). Sports included: Table tennis, archery and rifle range. Sports not available to under-16s. Services not included •Telephone calls, laundry service and room service. •Any food and drink consumed at any point of sale outside the timetable deemed all-inclusive. •All items that do not appear tacitly as “service included in all-in”. Observations: •To make the service more comfortable and flexible for guests, we provide them with an AI (All-Inclusive) identification bracelet that they need to show if they want to use the service. •We would like to remind guests that this right is personal and non-transferable. If you wish to invite someone not staying on the all-inclusive package, you should pay the price stipulated on the menu. •In accordance with current Spanish law, alcoholic drinks are not served to under-18s. •We ask that guests consume any drinks they order only in the areas set aside for this. We would like to remind guests that they may not consume them in their rooms. •We would like to remind guests that drinks cannot be accumulated. We ask guests to finish their current drink before consuming the next one. --Room check in is until 8pm. If you arrive after that time, please contact the hotel to inform your arrival time. The hotel could cancel the reservation if it is not informed.

An Idyllic ALL INCLUSIVE Aparhotel in which you will enjoy an unforgetable holiday. In the important tourist area of “Bahia de Portmany”,we present this modern, very complete Apart-hotel which boasts all the services you will need to feel comfortable and relaxed. Its fully equipped and spacious “Studios and bedrooms combined with excellent installations make it a special place in surroundings that mix both tranquility and amusement. THE HOTEL OFFERS ALL INCLUSIVE SERVICE AND FREE BUS TO CALA BASSA BEACH Services included •Full board including drinks SERVED during lunch and dinner services (water, beer, soft drinks and house wine). •From 11:00 am to 23:00, a selectionof national alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks listed on our menu as “All-Inclusive”. •Selected snacks ( sandwiches, pizza slices, Hot dogs),during day time from 11:00 am to 18:00 pm when the main restaurant is closed -The swimming pool sun beds and towels are free, subject to availability (Deposit essential). Sports included: Table tennis, archery and rifle range. Sports not available to under-16s. Services not included •Telephone calls, laundry service and room service. •Any food and drink consumed at any point of sale outside the timetable deemed all-inclusive. •All items that do not appear tacitly as “service included in all-in”. Observations: •To make the service more comfortable and flexible for guests, we provide them with an AI (All-Inclusive) identification bracelet that they need to show if they want to use the service. •We would like to remind guests that this right is personal and non-transferable. If you wish to invite someone not staying on the all-inclusive package, you should pay the price stipulated on the menu. •In accordance with current Spanish law, alcoholic drinks are not served to under-18s. •We ask that guests consume any drinks they order only in the areas set aside for this. We would like to remind guests that they may not consume them in their rooms. •We would like to remind guests that drinks cannot be accumulated. We ask guests to finish their current drink before consuming the next one. --Room check in is until 8pm. If you arrive after that time, please contact the hotel to inform your arrival time. The hotel could cancel the reservation if it is not informed.

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