Apartamentos Es Grop - Ibiza Città, Ibiza

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  Apartamentos Es Grop - Ibiza Città, Ibiza     
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Apartamentos Es Grop - Ibiza Città, Ibiza

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Hotel > Ibiza  >  Ibiza Città
Apartamentos Es Grop
Apartamentos Es Grop (2*)
S'arenal petit n39, portinatx, sant joan de labritja.
Ibiza Città - Ibiza

Breve descrizione

Located in Portinatx, in the north of the island of Ibiza, the most virgin and unexplored part of the island, where the Ibiza of yesterday still exists and natural sandy coves are waiting to be discovered. The apartments overlook S’arenal Petit, a beautiful beach with white sand and calm shallow water, ideal for children to swim in. The apartments have 2 different blocks, Bloque Azul and Bloque Verde this last one is surrounded by fragrant pine trees and in front you’ll find the large comunal swimming pool (also Wi-Fi area). There are 1bedroomed apartments on the 1st floor, with ample balconys, and studio apartments on the 2nd floor. All of which have fully equipped kitchens, spacious bathrooms, built-in wardrobes, telephone, Wi-FI Internet, fan and balcony. Laundry and cleaning services are an optional extra (basic cleaning and linen are included in rental prices) and at reception you can find english and spanish speaking staff who can help you with all your requirements

Located in Portinatx, in the north of the island of Ibiza, the most virgin and unexplored part of the island, where the Ibiza of yesterday still exists and natural sandy coves are waiting to be discovered. The apartments overlook S’arenal Petit, a beautiful beach with white sand and calm shallow water, ideal for children to swim in. The apartments have 2 different blocks, Bloque Azul and Bloque Verde this last one is surrounded by fragrant pine trees and in front you’ll find the large comunal swimming pool (also Wi-Fi area). There are 1bedroomed apartments on the 1st floor, with ample balconys, and studio apartments on the 2nd floor. All of which have fully equipped kitchens, spacious bathrooms, built-in wardrobes, telephone, Wi-FI Internet, fan and balcony. Laundry and cleaning services are an optional extra (basic cleaning and linen are included in rental prices) and at reception you can find english and spanish speaking staff who can help you with all your requirements

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